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Wie vor 100 Jahren: Ein Haus in der Antarktis

Die Antarctic Heritage Trust hat auf der antarktischen Ross-Insel das Haus rekonstruieren lassen, in dem 1907 die Antarktisforscher Ernest Shackleton und Robert Falcon Scott hausten. Tolle Sache, würde ich mir ja zu gerne mal ansehen.

Hier Photos dazu.

The portable wooden huts, located on Antarctica’s Ross Island, gave shelter to well-known British adventurers Ernest Shackleton and Robert Falcon Scott and their crews. The 20th-century expeditions were the first to explore and study the southernmost continent. (See „Electrifying Photos of the Early Age of Antarctic Exploration Found [2013].“)

The buildings include Shackleton’s 33-foot-long (10-meter-long) Nimrod hut on Cape Royds, where workers unearthed a stash of whiskey and brandy, libations that fortified the men during the 1907 Nimrod expedition. Another, the Terra Nova hut on Cape Evans, was the largest Antarctic building of its time at 50 feet (15 meters) long. It contained a never-before-seen handwritten notebook of George Murray Levick, a member of Scott’s 1910-13 Terra Nova expedition.

The New Zealand-based Antarctic Heritage Trust decided to honor the original explorers by taking the buildings, abandoned in the 1940s, „back in time to when the heroic era of exploration stopped—roughly in 1917, during World War I,“ said lead conservator Gordon Macdonald of Macdonald & Lawrence, a carpentry company located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Working from historical photographs and documents, it took experts ten years to conserve the huts, which had suffered due to water seepage, age, and simply being left to the elements in one of the harshest environments on the planet.

„That they’ve survived for a century is really tremendous good luck—they weren’t made for that at all,“ Macdonald said.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

Ein Kommentar

  1. Nino19. Februar 2015 at 14:26

    Polarforscherhütte oder Kreuzberger Hipster Coworkingspace/Kaffeerösterei?

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