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Schlagwort: Voyageurs

Ein Jahr auf einem Biberdamm

Dieses Video zeigt schön anschaulich was da draußen so los ist und nichts mit Menschen zu tun hat. Ein Stelldichein der Tierwelt an einem Biberdamm im Voyageurs-Nationalpark in Minnesota.

This video is a compilation of the wildlife that crossed a beaver dam just south of Voyageurs National Park from March 2019-April 2020.

This video was literally a year in the making! Beaver dams can be wildlife highways in boreal environments like the Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem, allowing all sorts of wildlife to easily cross wetland habitats which might be otherwise difficult to get across.

While the wildlife is undoubtedly neat, we particularly enjoyed watching the changing of the seasons on this beaver dam! It summarizes life in the Northwoods: cold snowy winters and hot, humid summers with lots of vegetation!

(Direktlink, via TYWKIWDBI)

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