Tolle audiovisuelle Darstellung, die zeigt oder eher hörbar macht, was nicht nur akustisch passieren kann, wenn Autos aus Innenstädten verschwinden. Hier am Beispiel des Consell de Cent Green Hub in Barcelona.
Within the context of the Superblock programme, green hubs reclaim part of the space currently used up by private vehicles in order to benefit citizens. They constitute a healthy public space where the city is amenable; one that is conducive to social interaction and fosters the local economy. Citizens can enjoy relaxation, water, brightness and greenery, all within easy reach.
The project revamps the original vision from Ildefons Cerdà. Starting with the regeneration of the network of streets, four green hubs have been created with their respective squares where they meet. The project is formed by a total of 21 hubs. Decarbonisation and renaturalisation of the urban landscape places people at the heart of the programme and champions sustainable mobility. A turning point with a crosscutting perspective: one involving urban development centring on ecosystems.
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