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Schlagwort: Underwater

Wenn ein Luftballon in Slow-Mo unter Wasser platzt

Alle hatten die Tage diesen Furz, der unter Wasser bei 120 fps losgelassen und aufgenommen wurde. Und viele hatten ihn vielleicht nur deshalb, weil er aus einem nackten Frauenhintern kam. Auch da kommen Fürze raus, ja.

Viel geiler finde ich ja, einen Luftballon unter Wasser zu chrashen und das dann Geschehende in Slow-Mo zu filmen. Weil: darüber hat man halt noch wirklich nie drüber nachgedacht. Und beeindruckender als ein Furz ist es auch. So.

(Direktlink, via Doobybrain)

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Eine Band, die ihre Musik unter Wasser spielt: AquaSonic

AquaSonic ist ein Bandprojekt aus Dänemark und definiert musikalisch den Begriff der “Unterwassermusik” endgültig und auf den Punkt, denn sie spielen ihren Sound gänzlich unter Wasser. Und das klingt gar nicht mal übel – irgendwo zwischen den alten Sachen von Stina Nordenstam und Björk.

AquaSonic is the most ambitious project to date from Danish musicians Laila Skovmand and Robert Karlsson, in collaboration with members of their ensemble Between Music. The work presents five performers who submerge themselves in glass water tanks to play custom-made instruments and sing entirely underwater. Transformed inside these darkly glittering, aquatic chambers, they produce compositions that are both eerily melodic and powerfully resonant. AquaSonic is the culmination of years of research into the exciting possibilities of submerged musical performance, breaking barriers and challenging existing paradigms. The artists conducted countless experiments in collaboration with deep-sea divers, instrument makers and scientists to develop entirely new, highly specialized subaqueous instruments. These include an underwater organ or hydraulophone, crystallophone, rotacorda, percussion and violin. The team also perfected a distinctive vocal technique for underwater singing. The result is a concert experience completely out of the ordinary; a deep dive into a magical new universe of images and sounds.

(Direktlink | Danke, Björn!)

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Gehste tauchen, findeste zwei Skelette beim Teetrinken

Da hat sich wohl wer einen morbiden Scherz erlaubt. Ich hätte die Beiden beim Tee nicht finden wollen.

On May 4, 2015, at approximately 10:00 hours, the La Paz County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to the area of Cienega Springs boat launch in regards to a report of found human remains. The reporting person stated that he/she was out snorkeling when they noticed skeletal remains at the bottom of the river.
Sheriff’s Office personnel met with members of the Buckskin Fire Department who sent one of their divers down to investigate. The diver took an underwater camera and video recorded the footage as he saw it.
When Firefighter Foerstner located the alleged remains, he found it to be an underwater tea-party with two fake skeletons sitting in lawn chairs. See video-footage.
Although the call itself was resource intensive, both the Sheriff’s Office and Buckskin Fire were happy to find that the remains weren’t real and thanked the reporting party for making the call.

(Direktlink, via Devour)

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