3 Kommentare
Schlagwort: Tierblog
Ich hab ab genau jetzt nach vier Tag- und fünf Nachtschichten erstmal ein paar Tage Urlaub, weshalb ich heute keine derartige Aufstehblockierung hatte. Ab nächsten Montag sieht das dann auch bei mir wieder ganz genau so aus.
(Direktlink, via Arbroath)
(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)
In etwa so.
North American River Otter, Ryer, being woken up by his keeper at the Aquarium of the Bay in San Francisco.
(Direktlink, via Arbroath)
Gorilladame Koko, die von der The Gorilla Foundation betreut wird, hatte zu ihrem letzten Geburtstag ungewöhnliche Gratulanten. Ein paar Katzenbabys kamen sie besuchen. Es ist faszinierend zu sehen, wie sanft die Gorilladame mit den Katzen hantiert.
Koko got her birthday wish this July 4th — not only did one kitten come to visit, but a whole litter. Koko fell in love with one, and the other fell in love with her. Koko has adopted these two kittens into her family, and it has energized her world.
Not only have Koko’s maternal and play instincts kicked in, but she is signing more to her caregivers and generating new content everyday that can be used by The Gorilla Foundation to create empathy fro great apes. This can have significant benefits to both endangered free-living great apes and those in captive environments, by encouraging the development of 2-way communication with their caregivers (which Koko has had since she was a baby).
(Direktlink, via Cute Overload)
„Allie has lived with this little ele since the day she was born 3 weeks ago and as you can see they have a special bond. Allie and I are trying to rescue this family of elephants and create a sanctuary for them here at The ChaiLaiOrchid.“
(Direktlink, via Arbroath)
Harley the Cockatoo fasst meine heutige Laune ganz wunderbar zusammen.
(Direktlink, via Arbroath)