So deep.
Ein KommentarSchlagwort: Star Wars
Google Maps offenbart den Versuch, etwa 40 Kilometer südwestlich von London einen Millennium Falcon hinter Schiffscontainern zu verstecken. Zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme stand es „zufällig“ auf dem Anwesen der Longcross Studios, aber das hat ja nichts zu bedeuten!!11!!!
(Danke, Konsn!)
Erstaunlich eigentlich, dass das so lange gedauert hat, bietet sich die Form doch eigentlich förmlich an: R2-D2 als Kaffeekanne, ab November bei Thinkgeek.
(via Likecool)
Frank Howarth lässt die Grenze zwischen Handwerk und Kunst schwinden und macht sich einen Todesstern aus Bambusholz. Großartig!
May the 4th be with you! I have wood turned a Death Star out of bamboo plywood. The build consists of making two segmented halves that seam together at the trench. Each half is made of 9 rings. Each ring has 13 segments. (13 seemed like an evil number). There is one extra ring to help the two halves overlap at the seam. The superlaser dish was turned separately. The hole in the Death Star and the profile of the dish were cut on the CNC router to allow to two to fit together.
(Direktlink, via Sploid)
„In a small kitchen in Vancouver BC, Kylie cooks up the most delicious art piece this side of a galaxy far, far away…“
Die Hintergründe zu dem außergewöhnlichen Fund bei Scarfolk. Hihi.
Einen Kommentar hinterlassenDer Winter naht – Zeit für eine angemessene Kopfbedeckung. Vielleicht diesen Scoodie bei Thinkgeek.
„Wrap yourself in a Star Wars Ewok Knit Hooded Scarf both to stay warm and to express your Star Wars fandom in the most kawaii way possible. The scarf measures a generous 55″ around so you can get a lovely drape on it. And, of course, we made this at our awesome village in the trees. We’re going to schedule all meetings for the Ewok Village from here on out. Because we can.“
(via LikeCool)
Der 7-jährige Star Wars fan Colin Gilpatric und seine Mutter Peggy haben einen Brief an George Lucas geschrieben und eine Frage gestellt, die Colin offenbar wichtig ist.
My son wrote to LucasFilm about how he wanted to get married but still retain his Jedi status without becoming a Sith.
Lucasfilm ltd. hat geantwortet und gleich noch ein paar Geschenke mitgeschickt.
Hello, Colin,
Thank you so much for writing to us with your question. It sounds like the Force is strong with you, and you are showing great wisdom by asking your question. To be a Jedi is to truly know the value of friendship, of compassion, and of loyalty, and these are values important in a marriage. The Sith think inward, only of themselves. When you find someone that you can connect to in a selfless way, then you are on the path of the light, and the dark side will not take hold of you. With this goodness in your heart, you can be married.
We enclosed a few gifts that we hope you enjoy. Thank you again for writing to us.
May the Force Be With You!
Your Friends at Lucasfilm
(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)
Das für heute definitiv beste Wort-Bild-Spiel!
(Foto: Daniel Köhler, via Blogrebellen)
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