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Schlagwort: Spot

Sieben Spots am Tanzen

Sieben Spots im Reigen am Tanzen und es bleibt dabei: diese Technologien sind gleichsam faszinierend wie gruselig.

The steps are so perfectly timed, and the motions so smooth and harmonious, that you might think the robots are actually listening and responding to the music. But they’re not; they’re listening to their synchronized inner clocks. For all their sophisticated sensors, the robots don’t even know that music is playing. And their ability to move through space without stepping on one another’s toes is the result of painstaking positioning and programming, rather than Spot’s obstacle avoidance feature.


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Ein Rudel Boston Dynamics Roboter zieht einen LKW

Neues von Boston Robotics: deren Spot zieht im Rudel jetzt auch schon mal einen ausgewachsenen LKW.

It only takes 10 Spotpower (SP) to haul a truck across the Boston Dynamics parking lot (~1 degree uphill, truck in neutral). These Spot robots are coming off the production line now and will be available for a range of applications soon.


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