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Schlagwort: Robots

Die Idee einer automatisierten Fast-Food-Bestell-Maschine aus den 60er Jahren

Hat sich so glücklicherweise nur in Teilen durchsetzen können, aber interessant zu sehen, wie die Idee dahinter mal ausgesehen hat:

Fifty years ago, the engineers of AMF’s Central Research Labs in Stamford, CT invented automated foodservice. This entertaining film (circa 1964) describes a pilot operation for the then-burgeoning fast-food industry.

Watch as hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, seafood, french-fries, onion rings, shakes, and soft drinks are ordered, prepared, and packaged automatically by AMF’s revolutionary AMFare System.

All the food was delicious, especially the flame-broiled hamburgers, double-hamburgers and cheeseburgers. The entire menu was cooked-to-order and served in minutes – at the desired temperature for each item.

AMF’s Orbis system (shown here) pioneered the concept of electronic ordering, price tabulation, and inventory management in foodservice. Today that is the standard worldwide. However, AMF’s Orbis system went further; it electronically controlled the machinery that prepared, cooked, and packaged the food items. AMF’s automated beverage dispensers (also shown here) are today common at the „drive-through windows“ of many fast-food operations.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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Der 69-jährige Peter Browne hat sich 1000 Stunden Zeit genommen und eine Maschine gebaut, die ihm ein Sonntagsfrühstück kredenzt. Mit Tee, Toast und einem Setzei. Funktioniert.

The ‚Sunday Morning Breakfast Machine‘ serves up perfectly runny soft-boiled eggs and toast, tea and coffee and even hands over the morning newspaper – all at the push of a button. Creative Peter Browne, 69, spent about 1,000 hours building the innovative contraption with pal Mervyn Huggett. Retired airline pilot and silversmith Peter says he’s been coming up with inventions his entire life, but this is his pride and joy. He said: „It took a total of 1,000 hours. „It was hard work for three months but it was worth it.

(Direktlink, via LikeCool)

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Eine Teslaspule und ihre kleine Maschinen-Band

Das Flanon _ FT Tech Lab hat aus einer Teslaspule und einem dutzend anderer Geräte eine kleine Band gebastelt, die Musik covert. Gab es so alles schon mal ähnlich, aber nichts davon sah bisher dabei auch noch so gut aus.

As previously said, The sound you hear is pure mechanical & electrical sound(or noise… whatever).
of course, All instruments(except for the Tesla coil) are automatically controlled by computer’s MIDI signal.

ATmega’s micro controller and few logic chips helps decoding the MIDI signals and drive the transistor.
Audio modulated tesla coil operated by passing computer’s analog audio signals to interrupter.

Devices used:
Desktop computer HDD Speaker – Intro(Chorus)#1, Verse#3, Hook#2
42Angle Bipolar Stepper Motor – Intro(Chorus)#3, Verse#2, Bass#2
3HDD, Solenoid Drum/Cymbals – Drum kit
Robot Xylophone – Acoustic guitar, Intro(Chorus)#2, Hook#1
450kV Audio modulated Tesla Coil – Bass#1, Verse#1
ATmega8515 based homemade Function generator – Bass#3
40Mhz HC 2channel 4trace Oscilloscope, 20Mhz Tektronix 2channel Oscilloscope, 90W power supply, Computer SMPS, 2kW Variac, etc.

(Direktlink, via reddit)

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An der Brigham Young University in Idaho haben sie einen Roboter entwickelt, der gegen Menschen am Tischkicker antritt. Das sieht im Moment alles noch etwas improvisiert und leicht zu überlisten aus, aber das hat man über Schachcomputer sicher auch mal gesagt.

A group of Brigham Young University computer engineering students, led by professor D.J. Lee, created a foosball table that is controlled by artificial intelligence. The goal of the undergraduate students was to create a robotic, vision-controlled table that could compete with humans. The project was a success–now the students are having a hard time beating the artificial intelligence.

(Direktlink, via René)

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Quadrocopter spielen das James Bond Theme

Schon uralt und bisher trotzdem an mir vorbeigegangen: eine Band aus Quadrocopter, die das James Bond Theme spielt.

Flying robot quadrotors perform the James Bond Theme by playing various instruments including the keyboard, drums and maracas, a cymbal, and the debut of an adapted guitar built from a couch frame. The quadrotors play this „couch guitar“ by flying over guitar strings stretched across a couch frame; plucking the strings with a stiff wire attached to the base of the quadrotor. A special microphone attached to the frame records the notes made by the „couch guitar“.

These flying quadrotors are completely autonomous, meaning humans are not controlling them; rather they are controlled by a computer programed with instructions to play the instruments.

(Direktlink, via Sixtus)

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