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Schlagwort: Ohio

Schneepflug schießt Auto von der Straße

Von einer Seite des Highways den Schnee in den Gegenverkehr zu ballern ist jetzt vielleicht nicht die beste Idee, aber hierzulande räumen sie den Schnee der Straßen ja mitunter auch direkt auf die anliegenden Radwege um den dann dort zu lassen.

„I was driving east to deliver a load to NH, about 70 miles from home. The plow was coming westbound at an excessively high rate of speed, while plowing the snow, had his blade angled too high, and maintained course for about 7 miles. This was the Ohio turnpike on I-80 around Norwalk, Ohio. The snow damaged dozens of cars and semi-trucks. My driver-side headlight assembly was blown off the truck completely.“


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Ich fall‘ hier gerade in bisschen vom Glauben ab, würde diese Pizza wahrscheinlich dennoch auch kosten wollen. An der Ohio State University haben sie einen Pizzaautomaten. Die glücksbringende Scheibe ist heiß, relativ frisch und kostet 8 Dollar. Ich habe wahrscheinlich für deutlich schlechtere Pizzen schon mehr bezahlt.

The new Pizza ATM is located on the second floor of Morrill Tower and is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. for student meal plan holders and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for general use.

Here’s how it works: Pizzas are pre-made in a neighboring kitchen and come with cheese or pepperoni toppings. They are then stored in a refrigeration unit inside the Pizza ATM. More topping options are expected in the future.

When a pizza is ordered, it automatically moves to the ATM’s internal oven and is baked until the crust is crispy and the cheese is melted. It typically takes about three to four minutes. A 10-inch pizza costs $8.

It will eventually serve pizzas around the clock.


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