Die Vice war nach eigenen Angaben im Berliner Nachtleben unterwegs und hat dort Nahaufnahmen der Pupillen von Verballerten gemacht. Mit der Angabe, was die sich denn reingetan hätten. Da kann man gleich mal testen, ob man seine WG-Mitglieder nur an den Augen erkennt.
Eyes are the window to your soul, and that doesn’t stop being true no matter how many illegal substances you consume on a night out. But can your eyes really tell when you’re actually on something? From pupils the size of a needlepoint to huge black holes with barely visible irises, we snapped our way through Berlin’s nightclubs to see if people’s eyeballs could tell us the night’s story. How much does the size of your pupils actually have to do with the substances you’ve taken?
The stuff in drugs that makes you relaxed, happy or just really awake not only manipulates the neurotransmitters in your brain, but can also affect physiological processes in your body. This includes the muscles in your eyes that are responsible for making your pupils bigger (to let in more light, for example), or smaller.
(via Dangerous Minds)