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Schlagwort: Midi

Der Welt kleinster MIDI Synth

Noch kleiner geht’s wahrscheinlich kaum: Smallest USB-C MIDI Synth.

The last few weeks I’ve been dabbling around with the CH32V003, a 32-bit RISC-V microcontroller that’s unbelievably cheap.
One of the first things that occurred to me, when I noticed it didn’t have hardware USB but the processor is clocked at 48MHz, is that it would be awesome to write a software USB stack for it. I have wanted, for a long time, to dig deep and write a bit-banged USB library, just because it’s the best way to learn. I greatly enjoyed writing my ethernet bootloader in assembly. It’s hard to justify writing a USB stack from scratch when one already exists, however, so when I saw the CH32V003 I thought this was the perfect time to do something both educational and useful.

Picture my surprise to find that CNLohr has already done it! I can’t exactly complain, that’s a fantastic achievement and makes the chip even more useful and impressive than it already was.

The very least I can do is get some USB-MIDI working on the chip. At the time of writing, the USB-MIDI demo was unfinished, so I tried it out by soldering a dev board together. It started out a little smaller, but by the end of the experimentation my board looked like this:


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Introducing Nopia, Midi Chord Generator

Kleine, hübsche Zauberkiste.

Adding to the wealth of new devices, comes the NOPIA from Martin Grieco & Rocio Gal – combining chords, bass, arpeggios, and synth control in one single box. It features a chord builder which feeds to the other modules within the machine, for one harmonious groove. It has an autopilot mode to play out the given chord, when sent s MIDI Kick and Snare – with an arpeggio which runs alongside the main chords.

(Direktlink, via Sonicstate)

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Biodata to MIDI – wenn Pflanzen Musik machen

Der Synth-Designer Love Hultén hat ein paar Pflanzen verkabelt und diese per MIDI-Daten Musik erzeugen lassen.

Desert Songs uses Plantwave – a small device that translates biodata from organic material into MIDI. It’s not magic and the plants are not composing, it’s simply biofeedback creating true organic „randomness“. Tiny changes in electrical current – the plants act as variable resistors. Cacti was used for this project due to their very sparse and sporadic activity. The cacti garden includes a few different specimens hooked up to probes, and outputs for individual plants can be changed as you go using patch points upfront. The MIDI signals are sent to a Korg NTS-1 for simple waveshaping and then drenched in atmosphere using the Microcosm from Hologram Electronics. To complete the biolab environment look, a custom MIDI visualizer was made mimicking chloroplasts under microscope.


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In MIDI-Daten übersetzte Ultraschallaufnahmen eines Fötus‘ werden zu Musik

Die bald geborene Tochter von der Psychic Ills Bassistin Elizabeth Hart und Iván Diaz Mathé, Buddie von Lee „Scratch“ Perry, hat hiermit schon im Körper ihrer Mutter für Musik gesorgt, bevor sie noch geboren wurde. Die werdenden Eltern haben dafür die Ultraschallaufnahmen des Fötus in MIDI-Daten übersetzt, diese an diverse Synths weitergegeben und dann, klar, daran rumarrangiert. Sehr nerdig, aber eben auch deshalb sehr geil.

The baby, named Luca Yupanqui, is the soon-to-be child of Psychic Ills bassist Elizabeth Hart and Lee „Scratch“ Perry collaborator Iván Diaz Mathé. Yupanqui created the songs on her album using biosonic MIDI technology that translated her in-utero movements into sound. The MIDI device was hooked to Hart’s stomach, recorded the vibrations created by Yupanqui, and transcribed them into Mathé’s synthesizers, a meditative process that took place over five hour-long sessions.

Hart and Mathé then edited and mixed the results of those sessions while trying to respect Yupanqui’s musical autonomy so as to allow her message to exist in its raw form. The resulting collection of songs is aptly titled Sounds of the Unborn, and it’s due out on April 2nd via Sacred Bones.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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