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Schlagwort: Marbles

The Blue Marble

Wahnsinnig gute Murmelbahn von Kaplamino, der daran drei Monate und hunderte Versuche lang arbeitete.

After 3 months of work and probably more than 500 fails, I’m happy to present you my best video ever.
Since magnets and marbles I’ve always wanted to make a big chain reaction in one take with this 2D style !

It’s also a „one marble path“ which means you have to follow the same marble for all the tricks (in that case the little blue one.) Because everything is in a tilted plane, the hard part was to find different ways of having the marble riding up along the table (magnets, falling weight, catapult …). To do that, the marble has to be light. And because everything has to be triggered by this little marble, all the tricks are very unstable. Most fails happened when an element fall down earlier than expected.

(Direktlink, via reddit)

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Die Leute von Kosmosphaera machen riesige Glasmurmeln und ich hätte davon vielleicht gerne ein paar.

daylight sand and happyness @mobilabgallery #kosmosphaera next expo april 30 th @chateaudevuillerens

Ein von Childhood in a marble (@kosmosphaera) gepostetes Foto am

no filter! magic moments where fire give birth #glassworks #kosmosphaera #londontent2016#artbasel#dakisjoannou#art#artglass#glassmarble

Ein von Childhood in a marble (@kosmosphaera) gepostetes Foto am

(via swissmiss)

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Ein Murmelrennen im Sand 2

Nachdem der erste urst aufregende Teil des Murmelrennens im Sand einmal das Netz für sich gewonnen hat, folgt jetzt Teil zwei. Nicht minder aufregend und kommentiert.

33 marbles will compete in this exciting Marble Race which measures around 500 feet. This track has been made on a sand hill „Klimduin Schoorl“, („Climbing Dune“ near Alkmaar, the Netherlands).
The marbles will encounter some junctions, halfpipes, jumps and lots of curves while rolling down to the finish.

(Direktlink, via Likecool)

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Ein Murmelrennen im Sand

Murmelrennen werden ja überhaupt und generell unterschätzt. Scheiß auf Formel 1! „The longest Sand Marble Run ever.“

A very amazing long marble run made on a sand hill, 12 marble competes to win this epic rally! Only one marble will win. This marble race is divided in 4 stages, each of tem contains lots of obstacles like junctions, slaloms, halfpipes, a funnel and a jump.

(Direktlink, via reddit)

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