Mal wieder Alltagsgegenstände, makrografiert von Posy. Wird nie langweilig und zumindest mich wahrscheinlich immer wieder faszinieren.
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Mal wieder Alltagsgegenstände, makrografiert von Posy. Wird nie langweilig und zumindest mich wahrscheinlich immer wieder faszinieren.
Filmemacher Joey Shanks besorgte sich ein Mikroskop und schloss es an seine DSLR-Kamera an, um einige erstaunliche Bilder von reagierenden Flüssigkeiten einzufangen. Die Mischungen, die er verwendete, bestanden aus Milch, Seife, Öl, Peroxid und Alkohol, akzentuiert mit Glitzer. Macro-Porn.
Die mikroskopische Sicht auf Schmetterlingsflügel.
Nanoscapes: Making the invisible, visible!
Images of butterfly wings at the microscopic scale are stunning, and at the nanoscopic scale they become otherworldly. Shot with light and electron microscopes at magnifications up to 50,000x, Nanoscapes reveals the elaborate topography of butterfly wings, which have produced a wealth of data on the surprisingly little known story of structural coloration.
Ich wusste gar nicht, dass die DJI Pocket auch makro kann, aber wie wir hier in „Origin“ von Vadim Sherbakov sehen, kann sie das mit der entsprechenden Linse verdammt ordentlich. Desto höher die Auflösung, desto schöner wird’s.
The idea of this experimental macro video was born from lack of traveling due to certain events in 2020 and desire to showcase the capability of the awesome Pocket 2 camera as not only a great blogging device, a good b-roll camera, or super gimbal for travel, architecture, etc short films, but also an amazingly capable machine for creative experiment right at your home.
We use different inks, alcohol, soaps, and other different mixture of household chemicals for creating liquid art of flow and movements.
It was a challenging but really fun project as we have never shot macro with inks before nor have we done it with Pocket 2 (I believe this type of video with ink is the first to be shot on this device). It took us 3 weeks of pure experiments, try and error, to get the right effect with inks and chemicals.
And 1.5 weeks of shooting after that, using DJI Pocket 2 camera with and without a macro lens to gather more than 7 hours of footage (690 GB of clips).
The post-production alone took 1.5 weeks for the entire Origin short film.
An interesting fact is that only about 1.6% of all shot clips went into the film.
Der Filmemacher Thomas Blanchard mit Makroaufnahmen von alkoholischen Tinten, Farbpigmenten, Wunderkerzen und ganz ohne CGI.
Using alcohol inks, pigments, sparklers and a laboratory agitator, I wanted to imagine a nuclear explosion from an artistic point of view.
Strongly inspired by the special effects of the Oppenheimer film, Trinity is a code name. It represents the first nuclear test by the United States armed forces on July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project.We filmed 90% of the sequences in my kitchen. Just fire was filmed in the studio with a Highspeed camera.
Vadim Sherbakov schafft ein mal mehr ganz feinen Augenzucker aus Glitzer und Farben und zeigt uns diesen in makro.
Exploration of a macro cosmos is a theme for this short film. The ink and glitter make the compositions like the outer space and I love to dive into that. I started that journey in my previous film called Velocity (Velocity 4K HDR) and continue the journey in this one. I implemented new techniques and new materials including the magnets and different liquids and inks.
A total of 12 hours of footage was captured for this film and only less than 1% of best shoots were used in edit.
Bei Urday gibt es jede Menge geile SloMo- und Makroaufnahmen von Alltagsgegenständen. So wie dieses Feuerzeug, das von ganz nahe in Betrieb deutlich faszinierender aussieht als wir das in der Realität wahrnehmen.
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Neues Video von Another Perspective, in dem wachsende Kristalle in einer Perspektive gezeigt werden, die zumindest ich so noch nicht gesehen habe.
Extreme Macro Time Lapse Video of Crystallization of Vitamin C and Beta Analin (amino acid) shows incredible colours and structures. By changing the mixture and temperature new formations will appears every time. I took several hundreds of videos and each became a unique piece of art.