Murmelentusiast Kaplamino hat die letzten Monate damit verbracht seine neue Murmel-Kettenreaktionsmaschine zu bauen und vielleicht ist das die beste von allen, die er bisher zusammengebastelt hat. Hat teilweise sogar was von einem Flipperautomaten. Großer Murmelsport!
I didn’t post for two months, now you know why ! I present you my most ambitious project so far, blue marble 3 ! I’m out of my comfort zone this time because the chain reaction is taking place on two tables, and with 0 fidget spinners. It is the longest in terms of duration and the one that takes up the most space in my room. I tried to use a little bit of everything like rubber bands, magnets, and elements. I had so many failures that I stopped counting, as always only a few tricks were responsible for the majority of failures, can you guess which ones?