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Schlagwort: Gongs

Kartoffeln auf einen Gong werfen

Kunst, die zu dem auch jede Menge Spaß machen dürfte und bei der ich mich frage, warum ich da eigentlich nicht drauf gekommen bin. Vermutlich mangels Gong.

Made in 2006, it documents a fictitious performance set in 1969 which clearly resembles a Fluxus event.

The artist, played by Rodney Graham, is shown sitting in a chair in an alternative art space.

The audience watches him trying to hit a gong with potatoes.

Taking as his fashion icon the artist Dan Graham, Rodney Graham’s costume represents what he might have worn had he been a New York artist at the time: plaid shirt, jeans, and Red Wing boots.

The potatoes that hit the gong were subsequently distilled to create a limited-edition vodka.

As with many films by Graham, this relatively simple action contrasts starkly with the efforts that went into the production, for which the artist did much research and hired a professional film crew.

(Direktlink, via Book of Joe)

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Gong Sounds

Ein offensichtlich unterschätztes Instrument in seiner vollen Wirkungskraft – und jemand, der Gongs wirklich sehr zu lieben scheint.

A gong performance by Jens Zygar at Memphis Gong Chamber.


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