Ich glaube, Sara schrieb irgendwann mal, dass sie nach einer Airbnb Vermietung nach Hause kam, und ihr irgendwelche Freaks nach einer offensichtlichen Drogen-Session in die Badewanne gekackt hätten. Ich dachte „Ach. Du. Scheiße!“ Noch eine Nummer krasser aber ist das, was sich da kürzlich in Calgary im Haus der Kings abgespielt hat. Die haben ihr Heim per Airbnb an vier Leute vermietet und verzogen sich in einen anderen Teil der Stadt. Nachts bekamen sie von ihren Nachbarn Nachrichten, dass die Polizei vor ihrem Haus stehen würde, nachdem ein Bus dort 100 Leute abgeladen habe. Als sie dort ankamen, fanden sie ihre Bude komplett ruiniert vor.
A Calgary family says their home has been destroyed by guests who rented it on the popular accommodation website Airbnb.
King family members say that after pleading with their Airbnb renters to pack up and leave, about 20 intoxicated people piled out of their Calgary home.
„Our hardwood floors are all popping because there are pools of liquor. There’s glass shards, there’s dent in our walls, toilets flooded and plugged with condoms,“ said homeowner Star King.
King says she agreed to rent her house in northwest Calgary to four adults, who said they were in town for a wedding.
She and her husband, Mark, turned their keys over to the renters on Saturday night and went to stay with their in-laws in another part of the city.
King says shortly after, she started receiving texts from neighbours, telling her the police had arrived.
She was told that a „huge luxury party bus pulled up“ and 100 people piled into her home.
The King family had to plead with the renters to pack up and leave, who she said were „just totally wasted.“
(Direktlink, via TDW)
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