„Reclaim your Streets“ mit Tanz ist zumindest in New York nicht sonderlich gerne gesehen, wie dieses Video aus der Silvesternacht in New York sehr anschaulich zeigt. Tanzen auf der Straße nämlich ist dort nicht sonderlich gerne gesehen. Lieber langt die Polizei wieder einmal mehr ordentlich zu. Weil Tanzen stört die öffentliche Ordnung und das ist ja wohl mal keineswegs hinnehmbar.
Shortly after 2015 became official in New York City, a dance party popped up on the Lower East Side. A bicycle rigged with a mobile sound system provided beats while three dozen or so revelers boogied and partied on Ludlow Street, literally, as the middle of the street was treated like a dance floor.
In an attempt to keep this “dance floor” motorist free, someone threw some trash bags into the street, blocking traffic. About twenty minutes later, the NYPD showed up. Cops immediately walked over to the DJ-cyclist and told him to kill the music. “Turn it off, demanded one uniformed officer. “Turn that shit off,” he repeated.
That didn’t go over well with the crowd. “No justice, no peace. Fuck the police,” chanted one group of people as the atmosphere started to feel more like a protest. The officers then proceeded to clear the street, but it was quickly reoccupied as the defiant congregation adopted a simpler mantra and shouted: “Fuck the pigs. Fuck the pigs. Fuck the pigs…”
While documenting this spectacle, a woman who was dancing with her middle fingers outstretched to police lashed out. “Don’t fucking take pictures nigga, that’s how people get arrested,” she snarled at me and then swatted my camera. She kept threatening to break my camera, so I quickly moved away from her. Things devolved from there.
(via Animal New York)