Ich weiß es doch auch nicht. Aktuelles Gebot: EUR 25,50.
Ben Klock had this Banana with him to consume after his almost 12 hours long Closing Set on January 4th at Berghain/Panorama Bar in Berlin, Germany.
But he didn’t!!
He handed it to me as a sop of his conscience after remaining Ravers and me begged him to play another last record–
I kissed his hand, he kissed mine and the Banana was the physical bond of ours, of this moment.
He explained he had some before and they were delicious;
I believe him, his banana still looks yummy!I am leaving town soon and can’t take care of this precious diamond so decided to sell it here.
Hope it finds a good home.
Can be used/appreciated in several ways.Good luck with the auction!
(via Thang)