Ein Dorf in der Urbanität ist in Jakarta vor schon gut 10 Jahren Realität geworden und erzeugt gerade mediales Interesse. Jakartas Comsmo Park ist ein kleines Dorf, das auf einem zehnstöckigen Gebäude über einem Einkaufszentrum und einem Parkhaus errichtet wurde. Wohnräume schaffen, wie auch immer es geht. Und das sieht dann so aus.
The Guardian hat eine Hintergrundstory dazu:
“It’s a lovely oasis,” says (resident) Fazila Kapasi, as she tails her four-year-old son around on his bike along one of the complex’s neat roads. “I cannot recommend it enough.”
Fazila and her husband moved to Jakarta from Mumbai, and chose Cosmo Park partly because they were concerned about Jakarta’s floods. But after living there for six years Fazila can reel off a string of other advantages, including that it is less isolating than standard apartment living.
In the afternoon Fazila stops to chat to her neighbours, while most days she and her son feed the pigeons that live in a nearby tree. She also has her own garden, where she has a hammock and space to grow aubergines, tomatoes and chillies.
“It is so good. There is so much open space, my son can ride his bike around. It’s so central, it’s really safe, and there is a lovely neighbourhood feel,” she says.
(via BoingBoing)