Schlagwort: Animals
Ob die einen Spotify Account haben? Weil ich würde streamen.
Over a decade ago, Danielle’s journey as the Magpie Whisperer began when she first discovered her fascination for these intelligent birds. From that point on, she dedicated herself to the study and care of magpies, developing a deep bond and understanding of their behaviors and personalities.
She enjoys observing their interactions with each other and with their environment, from the way they enjoy playing, to the intricate vocalizations they use to communicate with one another. Over the years, her passion for magpies has only grown stronger, and she has made it her mission to raise awareness about these birds and to showcase their fun and lovable side through various means.
(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)
Könnte sein, dass Truthühner garstige Wesen sind, die erst durch ein Auto bei ihrer Jagd auf Kinder gestoppt werden können.
Ein KommentarDer Yellowstone National Park im Schnee, eine dahinziehende Bison, Sonnenschein, 360° Aufnahme und die Möglichkeit, kurz mal mittendrin zu stehen. In 5k. Mache ich mal eben.
American bison jaunt along a snow-packed roadway in Yellowstone National Park. These bison also use their massive heads to plow away the snow that covers the grasses they need to survive the winter.
(Direktlink, via The Kid Should See This)
„This possum gets right to the point! No lead up, no wasted time. Just real content.“ Sound an sei empfohlen.
(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)
Eine Tierpflegerin des Merazonia Wildlife Rescue in Ecuador erzählt uns die Geschichte von Goliath, einem kleinen Riesenameisenbären, der am Straßenrand neben der Leiche seiner Mutter gefunden wurde, die von einem Auto angefahren wurde. Da war Goliath zwei Monate alt. Anfangs war er etwas schüchtern, aber mit der Zeit gelang es ihm, aufgeschlossener zu werden und jede Menge Quatsch zu machen. Entzückendes Geschöpf.
We were taking him out to try and encourage him to discover the world of ants and termites. He was not interested at all. He was actually quite scared of termites and ants when they crawled on him he would try and brush them off. …Eventually he got the hang of it and he started foraging himself. He was still a baby and he still needed that physical contact so we tried to encourage him to cling on to a stuffed toy in order to protect ourselves, but also to make it a bit more natural for him in his rehabilitation.
(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)
Für die Katzenmenschen unter euch: Der YouTube-Channel catw ist voll von Videos, die jeweils in unter 10 Minuten zeigen, dass Katzen tun müssen, was Katzen eben tun müssen. Nicht mehr, nicht weniger.
(Direktlink, via MeFi)
Also entweder ist der Kumpel mit dem hier verwandt oder die sind halt in der selben Gang. Ganz sicher.
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