Bandcamp ist der mir aktuell liebste Musikvertrieb im großen Internet. Zum einen, weil ich schnell und unkompliziert Musik kaufen kann, die es woanders gar nicht gibt, zum anderen, weil ich die Preise für sehr fair halte, wobei wohl auch tatsächlich ausreichend bei den jeweiligen Künstlern ankommt. Bandcamp aber kann noch mehr: Bandcamp zeigt Haltung und kündigt an, alle seine am kommenden Freitag gemachten Einnahmen an die Amerikanische Bürgerrechtsunion ACLU zu spenden. Freitag ist also ein guter Tag, mal wieder viel Geld bei Bandcamp zu lassen.

Like 98% of U.S. citizens (including the President), I am the descendant of immigrants—my great-grandparents came to America from Russia and Lithuania as teenagers and worked in sweatshops until they were able to afford to bring the rest of their families over. Most everyone you speak to in this country has a similar story to tell, because we are, in fact, a nation of immigrants, bound together by a shared belief in justice, equality, and the freedom to pursue a better life. In this context, last week’s Executive Order barring immigrants and refugees from seven Middle Eastern countries from entering the United States is not simply immoral, it violates the very spirit and foundation of America.
And so all day this Friday, February 3rd (starting at 12:01am Pacific Time), for any purchase you make on Bandcamp, we will be donating 100% of our share of the proceeds to the American Civil Liberties Union, who are working tirelessly to combat these discriminatory and unconstitutional actions.