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Four Tet – Solid Steel Radio Show 01.11.2013

Four Tet für zwei Stunden in der Solid Steel Radio Show. Mit jeder Menge un­ver­öf­fent­lich­ten Edits und Re­mi­xen. Und wenn das keine adequate Wochenendmusik ist, dann weiß ich es ja auch nicht.

„This mix is made from unofficial edits and mixes. I guess these edits were mainly made to be played in clubs and I’ve always like the tradition of DJs extending and rearranging to make things work in their sets. Most of the edits here are unreleased because they are just tools for DJs really. The Black Unity one was done for the Solid Steel US tour that I did in 2001. Thanks to Daphni, Floating Points and Happa for the edits I got from them.“

(Direktlink, via r0byn)

1. Play­boy Mommy edit
2. Musiq – Pho­to­ma­chi­ne H.E.R raw edit
3. HR Groo­ve (J Rocc edit)
4. Mar­cos Valle Floa­ting Points edit
5. K54 – Aight Aight Aight!
6. Sweet Love (volca edit)
7. Ain‘t no need (Zer­nell and Good­king edit)
8. Give it up and turn it loose (Black Cock edit)
9. Girl you need a chan­ge of mind (Bobby Bus­nach edit)
10. Mar­vin time to get it to­ge­ther (Da­phni edit)
11. Ever­y­day Ex­ten­ded Edit
12. Joni Mit­chell Dream­land edit
13. Ar­thur Rus­sell Fla­grant Foul edit
14. Jerry Green Da­phni edit
15. We­a­ther Re­port – Non stop edit
16. Peaches and Pru­nes edit Ron Hardy
17. Funky Nas­sau (KH edit)
18. Teddy Pen­der­grass – Sunshi­ne Sound edit
19. Happy song or dance (FK edit)
20. Ugly Edit 6
21. Ki­kro­kus Ron Hardy edit
22. Edie and the Eggs edit
23. Jack Your Big Booty (Happa edit)
24. Can­ned Heat Da­phni Edit
25. Pha­roah Black Unity club mix
26. What’s going on ex­ten­ded loud drums
27. si­lence
28. Peter Fin­ger loop

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