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Eine Kaufhalle in Nordkorea

Redditor M1ckey war in Nordkorea unterwegs und hat dort ein paar Fotos gemacht, hier die Galerie auf imgur. Eines seiner Fotos zeigt ein, wie er schreibt, unerlaubt gemachtes, in einem Supermarkt. „Illegal photo, off-limits shop in North Korea. I had 15 seconds to take this picture before my guide realised I wasn’t around.“ Es zeigt nicht viel und lässt eigentlich auch keine Wertung zu. Es ist einfach nur ein schönes Foto, das irgendwie an die Kaufhallen in der DDR erinnert.

In North Korea, there are places you can visit and places you cannot visit, and the latter are far more numerous. Well, this is one of them. Usually, we were accompanied by our guides, one in the front, one in the back. But at one point they were both in the front, which allowed for a literally 15-second long detour into this ordinary shop for North Koreans. That gave me maybe 10 seconds to take this picture, before being kicked out by the „bad cop“ guide, and the atmosphere became rather unpleasant. I’m not sure if he saw me taking these pictures.

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