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Eine Jacke als Midi-Controller

Ein Midi-Controller zum Überziehen, entwickelt von Ylenia Gortana. Fehlen nur noch die Potis zum Schrauben. Vielleicht könnte man dafür noch so was wie Manschetten in Betracht ziehen. Für ein ganz neues Live-Erlebnis auf und vor der Bühne.

The whole jacket is built with different layers of conductive e-textiles, which are arranged in a matrix of 52 handmade, square push sensors. The layers are basically a copperthread layer and a silverthread layer which are seperated through a velostatic foil which gives the sensors the ability to not only have an on/of position but also a whole range of signals to read in. The sensors are connected with a lasercutted copperfabric circuit on the lowest layer of the jacket. The circuit ends in two Arduino Lilypad boards which are connected to a bluetooth signal board which in turn communicates with the computer. The bluetooth board (Bluesmirf) sends the analoge data via firmata code through Arduino to the Pd programm where the data gets converted in Midi Signals.

(Direktlink, via Martin)

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