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Ein kurzer Film über den VW Bulli und jene, die ihn zu schätzen wussten


As a tribute to the people who were a part of its life, the VW Type 2 (Kombi) fulfills its last wishes.

The VW Type 2 (Kombi) was created by Dutchman Ben Pon in the 1940’s. He came up with a combination between the reliable mechanical set of the Volkswagen Sedan and a light load vehicle. Adopted in Brazil, the name „Kombi“ is an abbreviation of the German word Kombinationsfahrzeug — meaning „combined vehicle“. In Germany the model was called VW Bus T1 (Transporter Number 1).

In recent years, despite the competition of bigger vans sold in the Brazilian market, the VW Type 2 was still the favorite among many clients. From September 1957 to September 2013, over 1,560,000 units were produced in the São Bernardo do Campo plant.

The documentary took six months in the making. The film gathers scenes from people who went through special moments with a Type 2, going from Owings Mills, in the suburbs of Baltimore (USA) — where designer Bob Hieronimous receives a gift from the car –, all the way across the ocean to Amsfort, in the Netherlands, where the Kombi meets its brother Ben Pon Jr. before finally leaving.

(Direktlink, via reddit)

5 Kommentare

  1. Mark Schneider10. April 2014 at 10:56

    Heul. Gänsehaut. Voll schön. Viele tolle Erinnerungen. Sehr schöne Urlaube.Demnach unser Lieblingsauto..Danke.

  2. Chrobot10. April 2014 at 13:46

    Als die Geschenke verteilt wurden, musste ich kurz aus dem Fenster schauen. Sonst hätte ich das Büro vollgeheult

  3. Marc10. April 2014 at 17:29

    Scheisse, ich hätte auch fast geheult. Wenn man sich auf die alten Kunstledersitze geschmissen hat und der Motor losgepfiffen hat, war alles in Ordnung im Leben.

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