Vor Jahren haben sie in Australien einen Weißen Hai beim Tunfischfang mit aus dem Meer geholt. Da war er schon tot. Weil das Tier aber ein außerordentlich großes war, dachten einige wohl, es wäre eine gute Idee, den Kadaver zu konservieren, um ihn dann ausstellen zu können. Also taten die das, das Riesenpräparat kam in Chemie eingelegt in einen Wildpark bei Melbourne.
Der Besitzer dieses Parks aber hatte wohl nicht die notwenigen Lizenzen, um einen solchen Laden betreiben zu dürfen und die Anlage wurde dicht gemacht. Alle der dort damals lebenden Tiere kamen irgendwo unter. Nur Rosie, wie der Hai irgendwann mal getauft wurde, blieb zurück. Und sie rottet da nun so halb vor sich hin, in einem Chemiebad in einem verlassenen Wildpark.
Rosie is a 5m long shark who died in a tuna fishing net and is apparantly one the the biggest shark caught in Australia. This happens all too often with sharks in Australia and around the world and are mostly discarded without a thought. An Australian artist saw Rosie in the net, have her a name and due to her size and unscathed body preserved her in chemicals and gave her to Wildlife Wonderland as an exhibition here in Bass Victoria Australia. She still sits here silent, in the dark with her fin above the chemical line slowly deteriorating like everything else around her.
Wildlife wonderland closed abruptly because it’s owner didn’t have the licenses or permissions for the animals. They were moved to better places however the shark remains. Apparently 3 years ago Rosie was up for sale however when they tried to love her, the tank buckled and became an environmental and safety risk. It also would have jeapardized Rosie so this is why she remains here to this day.
The smell is powerful and strong. It hurts your eyes, ears and lungs to a point you can only stay near for no more than 10 seconds.
Vandals and disrespectful explorers have tried to smash their way into the tank, as well as throw old tvs, ironing boards and anything they could find. It’s horrible to see and terrible what happens here.