Ich weiß es doch auch nicht. Aktuelles Gebot: EUR 25,50.
Ben Klock had this Banana with him to consume after his almost 12 hours long Closing Set on January 4th at Berghain/Panorama Bar in Berlin, Germany.
But he didn’t!!
He handed it to me as a sop of his conscience after remaining Ravers and me begged him to play another last record–
I kissed his hand, he kissed mine and the Banana was the physical bond of ours, of this moment.
He explained he had some before and they were delicious;
I believe him, his banana still looks yummy!I am leaving town soon and can’t take care of this precious diamond so decided to sell it here.
Hope it finds a good home.
Can be used/appreciated in several ways.Good luck with the auction!
(via Thang)
Diese Banane war im Berghain, und du? xD
Nur 160 davon und man hat die Kohle für den neuen Technics zusammen. Wahansinn
Sind das dort Schamhaare an der Banane?
„I am leaving town soon and can’t take care of this precious diamond so decided to sell it here.“
ja right! cant eat it, because „diamond“ and stuff…so I sell it to stupid people, which believe such nonsens I made up!
two words for you honey:
[…] via Ronny […]
aktuell bei 101 hühnern; und noch 4 tage bis ende. wie lange hält sone banane normalerweise, bevor se braun, matschig und nach alkohol stinkend wird?
people *are* stupid.