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Resident Advisors Musik-Doku-Reihe „Real Scenes“ über Detroit

RA kommen mit dem zweiten Teil ihrer Musik-Doku-Reihe “Real Scenes” und diese zeigt Detroit, „the birthplace of techno“. Schönes Ding.

You can’t talk about electronic music without mentioning Detroit. The city’s DJs and producers birthed the genre we now call techno. Detroit, however, has always had a creative streak, due in large part to the boom and subsequent bust of the auto industry. Quite simply, Detroit is a city of extremes, and its music reflects that. Detroit’s importance in the global electronic music scenes is often referred to in the past tense. With the recent emergence of Kyle Hall and other young Detroit producers, however, it’s clear that a spark remains. When we visited, we found a number of artists with their eyes (and ears) firmly set towards the future. After our time there, it’s clear that Detroit will endure and innovate for years to come.


2 Kommentare

  1. bernd9. August 2011 at 22:09

    feine sache, wie schon der erste teil über bristol ausserordentlich gut gemacht. kongeniale darstellung in bild, interview und musik, wie geschichte und atmosphäre von orten den spirit der leute und ihrer musik prägen

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