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Wie man sich 1971 das Autoradio der Zukunft vorstellte

… und es dann doch ein wenig anders kam.

William Woollard demonstrates the latest in car radio technology. The new radio has been designed entirely using solid state circuits and can therefore be very small, so it can be mounted in front of the windscreen, or even in the middle of the steering wheel. It automatically tunes itself to the strongest signal, thus eliminating the need to frustratingly retune as you travel, and gives consistent, crystal clear sound quality. Theoretically, the radio could also be switched on by a radio station to transmit emergency traffic reports and weather warnings to the motorist. Is this the future of in-car entertainment?


Ein Kommentar

  1. Fräulein Müller24. Januar 2025 at 17:26

    mit LAUT / LEISE Schalter…war wohl nen Made in Germany Gerät :-)

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