Zum gestrigen 50-jährigen Jubiläum des letzten Beatles-Album „Abbey Road“ wurde ein Musikvideo zu „Here Comes the Sun“ veröffentlicht. Die Visuals von Alasdair Brotherston zeigen Fotos, die Linda McCartney während der Aufnahmen zur Platte in den Abbey Road Studios gemacht hat. Außerdem vom letzten Fotoshooting der Gruppe im Tittenhurst Park.
Abbey Road presented with new mixes in stereo, 5.1 surround, and Dolby Atmos; expanded with previously unreleased session recordings and demos.
Super deluxe 4 disc set, 3 LP deluxe vinyl, 2 CD deluxe, limited edition picture disc, CD, LP, digital and streaming. Available everywhere 27th September 2019.
It was 50 years ago today, on August 8, 1969, that the world’s most famous band stepped out from London’s EMI Recording Studios to stride, single-file, across the black and white stripes of Abbey Road’s nearby zebra crossing. With photographer Iain Macmillan balanced on a stepladder and one policeman stopping the street’s light traffic, The Beatles crossed back and forth three times, led by John Lennon, followed by Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison. Just six photos were taken, with the fifth selected as the cover shot for The Beatles’ penultimate studio album, Abbey Road, named after the tree-lined street in which the studios are located.
2:15 „Ich fühle wie das Eis langsam schmilzt“
2:39 „Es ist alles in Ordnung“
Das wird jetzt aber nicht der fff-Song 2019