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Video: Niklas Paschburg – If

Der Neoklassik- und Ambientspezialist Niklas Paschburg veröffentlicht mit der wunderbar melancholischen Single „If“ den ersten Vorboten für sein im Frühjahr 2020 kommendes neues Album und kündigt Tourtermine für November und Dezember an. Da werde ich mir dann glatt mal Tickets für Berlin besorgen.

Niklas‘ new single ‘If’ was created in one of the world’s northernmost inhabited areas, the remote islands and their rapidly changing landscapes indicating the more immediate and visible effects of climate change. This ever-present theme resonates with Niklas – one which he holds close in his heart and mind. With temperatures never peaking above minus twenty degrees Celsius, sunlight hours are numbered at zero, an “inhospitable and uncomfortable” place to convalesce. The track articulates the traces which these remote environments have left in Niklas’ mind – something pressing is present in the music, its urgency roams searching for sources of energy and relief. All these impressions come from a piece of music which is both melancholic and positive, something to cradle us from anxieties, to make us both dance and run.


Ein Kommentar

  1. Jens20. November 2019 at 09:15

    Boah! Das tönt großartig!

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