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Schlagwort: Violin

Violine mit eingebautem Reverb aus einem alten Fender Verstärker

Der Komponist David Hilowitz hat sich eine Violine gebaut, in der er ein Reverb aus einem alten Fender Verstärker verbastelt hat. Upcycling für Saiteninstrumente quasi.

The thing about this particular reverb tank is it’s broken. It came out of an old fender amp and for whatever reason, its input had stopped working. …I got to thinking, what if we use the vibrations of an acoustic instrument? In this case a violin.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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Violinistin spielt während ihrer Gehirn-OP auf ihrer Violine

Die Violinistin Dagmar Turner wurde neulich am King’s College Hospital in London an ihrem Gehirn operiert, um einen gutartigen Tumor zu entfernen. Am Ende der OP spielte sie dazu auf ihrer Violine. Schon dolle beeindruckend.

The medical team asked Dagmar Turner, 53, to play the violin to ensure parts of the brain which control delicate hand movements and coordination were not damaged during the millimetre-precise surgery.

Ms Turner, a former management consultant from the Isle of Wight, was diagnosed in 2013 with a brain tumour after suffering a seizure during a symphony.

The committed violinist, who plays in Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra, was worried the surgery would mean she woudl lose the ability to play.

Her tumour was located in the right frontal lobe of her brain, close to an area that controls the fine movement of her left hand.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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