7000 Fotos, eine halbe Stunde Video-Material, 15 Kilo Elektroschrott und fünf Liter Blut, die am Ende (Achtung, Spoiler!) alles kaputt ätzen.
Ein etwas anders gedachtes Stop-Motion Video zu der schönen Downbeat-Nummer „Arterial“ von Lusine. Erschienen auf Ghostly International.
The complexity of this electronic track, mixing both cold and warm sounds, inspired me to create something I call „electrorganic“ : a mix of blood and human tissues with electronic components like LEDs, screens and boards. The result is an intriguing video, where you don’t really know what’s happening, but you can imagine that some sort of electronic machine is powered by, or producing blood.
Movies and music videos from the 80s and 90s were also a source of inspiration for this video, there are some sequences that are very small tributes to audiovisual works I love like Shinya Tsukamoto’s Tetsuo, Coppola’s Dracula, Cameron’s Terminator, Carpenter’s The Thing, Cronenberg’s Videodrome, the music video Digging in the Dirt by Peter Gabriel…