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Schlagwort: Sloths

Faultiere baden

Auch ein Faultier braucht mal eine Wäsche. Zumindest dann, wenn es nicht in freier Wildbahn rumhängt.

It's #SlothWednesdays, and it's bath time!

Meet The Sloths
Starts Tonight 7.30pm AEST on #NatGeoWILD

Posted by National Geographic Channel on Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015

(via Willy)

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Faultier Tee-Ei

„Tee-Ei“, so hieß das zumindest damals mal in Mutters Küche. Ich denke, das Teilchen hier geht in die selbe Richtung.

When you want to take life slow and hang out with a cup of tea, our Slow Brew Sloth Tea Infuser is happy to be there for you! Time to smell the roses.

You deserve to take a break from your frantic pace and let Slow Brew make you the ideal cup of tea. This sweet sloth infuser is made of heat-resistant silicone and hangs patiently inside your mug or cup.

(via Like Cool)

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