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Schlagwort: Skate

Skateboard Madness

Skateboard Madness ist ein Doku von 1980, die uns jede Menge Skate-Moves, ein bisschen Surfen und Snowboarden vor über 40 Jahren vorbeibringt.

When a reporter too laid-back for his own good is told his last chance to keep his job is to get some good photos for a story on skateboarding, he seeks out a group of four boarders who agree to take him on a skateboarding tour of California. After showing extensive footage of skateboarding moves and tricks, the film then goes on to show some surfing and snowboarding. The film is also bookended by a pair of animated shorts, both about skateboard racing.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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One More Try – an experimental skate video

Ich schrieb an anderer Stelle schon mal darüber, dass die meisten Skate-Tricks, die dann gestanden in fancy Videos auftauchen, manchmal dutzende, wenn ich hunderte Versuche brauchen und wohl auch hin und wieder derbe Schmerzen verursachen. Dieser experimentale Kurzfilm geht damit sehr eigen um.

(Direktlink, via Nag on the Lake)

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Second Nature | A Short Film About Skateboarding

Ein von Hakeem James Hausley sehr schön fotografierter Kurzfilm übers Skateboarding.

Hakeem James Hausley’s ‚Second Nature‘ is a short film featuring Mohd Danniel, exploring how every individual evolves while skateboarding. Eventually, the act of skating and all of the personal growth associated with it just feels so organic that you could never imagine your life without it.


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