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Schlagwort: Robots

Roboterartiges Spinnen-Dress aus dem 3D-Drucker

Muss man tragen können.

The dress provides an extension of the wearers intuition: It uses proximity sensors as well as a respiration sensor to both define and protecting the personal space of the wearer. Approach the wearer to aggressively and the mechanical limbs move up to an attack position. Approach the system under calmer circumstance and the dress just might beckon you to come closer with smooth, suggestive gestures.

(Direktlink, via Wow)

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Zu Besuch bei einer Roboter-Band

Das Slices hat Kolja Kugler besucht, der als Skulpturenmacher seit den 90er Jahren an seiner Roboter-Band baut, die mittlerweile auch musiziert.

Berlin native Kolja Kugler learned his craft in the early 1990s, when he worked alongside the Mutoid Waste Company, an “anarcho-punk” performance art group that transformed scrap metal into creative sculptures. His current pet project is the One Love Machine Band, a pneumatically controlled robot band that plays real instruments, which means he used old car parts and junk metal to construct a set of moving, wind-powered humanoid sculptures that make music on the bass guitar and drums.


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Schlagzeugroboter trommelt Drum & Bass zu analogen Synthies

KinetiX hat sich einen Schlagzeugroboter gebaut, der zusammen mit den analogen Geräten seines Studios eine Drum’n’Bass Nummer einspielt. Ich gehe davon aus, dass das Ding Midi-gesteuert wird. Toll. Die GIFs dazu kommen von Christian, der sowieso immer geile GIFs aus irgendwelchen Videos extrahiert.


This is drum & bass piece performed live using an automated drum kit and other percussion, playing together with a selection of vintage and new analog synthesizers.

All the sound is being generated in real time, the analog synths coming through the main rack mixer and the robotic percussion being recorded by microphones.

List of the main gear used : Modulars : Roland System 100m (sub bass), Roland System 700 (basses), Doepfer system (stabs and atmospheric sound). Other Synths : Yamaha CS-10 (more basses), Studio Electronics Omega 8 (chords and atmospheric sound), Korg Monotron Duo (more basses).

(Direktlink, via Christian)

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