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Schlagwort: Rhinos

Wie klingt eigentlich Nashornnachwuchs?

Offensichtlich so und damit ganz anders als ich erwartet hätte.

These two baby white rhinoceroses, Kombe and Nyoni, were being taken care of by a wildlife veterinarian and his family in Hluhluwe, South Africa after their mother’s were killed by poachers. They usually made these noises in anticipating their next milk feeding.


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Einem Nashorn den Bauch streicheln

Garth De Bruno Austin war in Südafrika unterwegs, um Aufnahmen von Wildtieren zu machen. Währenddessen kam der Fotograf dazu, einem Nashorn den Bauch zu streicheln – und das mochte das wohl. Ein Nashorn, so close!

…I have been lucky enough to film this rhino for quite a few years and because of that have built up a level of TRUST. DO NOT try and do this with a truly ‘WILD’ rhino as it may end up with you being dead! FYI – I did not approach this animal, it was completely her decision to let me come into her personal space and touch her.

(Direktlink, via Laughing Squid)

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