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Schlagwort: Record Player

Ein schwebender Plattenteller

Wir haben schwebende Bonsais gesehen, schwebende Soundwolken auch, jetzt kommt der Plattenspieler mit schwebendem Plattenteller. Wer genau den braucht, ist noch nicht ganz klar, aber das Dingen sieht halt schon auch ein bisschen geil aus. So in der Luft, schwebend durch Magneten. Nichts für DJs, aber für diese ist das Dingen wohl auch nicht gedacht.

Ganz billig ist die Angelegenheit nicht, bei Kickstarter warten aktuell $300K darauf, finanziert zu werden. Das nenne ich mal ambitioniert. Aber schick ists schon.

“The designers claim to have created a drive system that is completely unlike anything else on the market. Their patented technology has allowed them to not only achieve magnetic levitation but also introduce an “incredibly precise turning of the platter with sensor regulating software.” They argue that air is the smoothest medium, involving the least amount of friction, which further elevates the deck’s listening experience.”

(Direktlink, via Vinyl Factory)

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Andy Warhol/Velvet Underground Electric Banana Record Player

Als Angebot auf etsy: Andy Warhol/Velvet Underground Electric Banana Record Player. Keiner weiß genau, wo das Teil herkommt, aber ich mag sowohl die Optik als auch die Namensgebung: Electric Banana Record Player. Nur der Preis…


“Ok, folks. I bought this record player because the time to buy something you have never seen is when you see it. And I am a huge Warhol fan. At the time, I could find no information on this. A friend was able to find this old advertising for it in an old Speigel catalog. In searching the internet, there are only 2 of these known. There is one in Indianapolis that a guy has from his youth- a present from his grandmother. The other one is in the Banana Museum in California. I even wrote to the Warhol Foundation to find out if there was any kind of affiliation, but they had never heard anything about this and had no record. They came up with the same information I did. Mine is not perfect, it shows wear and I cannot determine if the black markings on this have been redone or if they are original- looking at the picture in the ad, it is still hard to tell, but they look rough to me. I still love this. It runs properly at all 3 speeds, but it will need a needle. The cord is in good condition and the case locks as it should. The ad touts that this will play in any position, even upside-down, but I would not suggest such a thing, as it cannot be good for your records.”

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(via Boing Boing)

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