Nur keine Aufregung.
He has perfected the art of just chillin‘ out silently for an extended period of time during the last shot of a movie while the credits roll…
(Direktlink, via Kottke)
Zum Inhalt springen -->Nur keine Aufregung.
He has perfected the art of just chillin‘ out silently for an extended period of time during the last shot of a movie while the credits roll…
(Direktlink, via Kottke)
Kurzer Supercut von in Filmen umgeworfener Tische.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(Direktlink, via Neatorama)
Trailer für eine Doku, die ab diesen Freitag zum #KubrickDay auf Stanley Kubricks YouTube Kanal gezeigt wird und sich einer vergessenen Locations widmet, in der Kubricks „Shining“ gedreht wurde.
(Direktlink, via The Awesomer)
MetaBallStudios hat fiktionale Monster, die wir alle kennen dürften, in die fast reale Welt geholt und nach Größen geordnet.
(Direktlink, via MeFi)
Ein 30-minütiger Kurzfilm aus der SoundWorks Collection über das Sounddesign von Dune, in dem die Tonteams des Films darüber sprechen, wie sie die Geräusche der Wüste von Arrakis, des Sandwurms und der Ornithopter erzeugt haben. Und was Lee Scratch Perry damit zu tun hat.
That’s something which – I learned a trick from Lee Scratch Perry, who I worked with in Switzerland about 10 years ago. He’s the pioneer of dub reggae, which must be the genre of music with the most bass. And one of the tricks that he used was to record a bass line and then to play it back through a huge speaker in a room that’s resonant…and record that. So it enhances the resonance of the bass. You also hear something of the shaking of the room. So that was one of the tricks that we used to give a sort of a very tactile sense to this spiritual adventure that Paul’s going on.
(Direktlink, via Kottke)
Forget the Film, Watch the Titles! Da geht er dahin, der Tag.
Forget the Film, Watch the Titles! is a project dedicated to the art of title design and its creators. Launched in 2006, the recently renewed website features a growing collection of over 200 title sequences and behind-the-scenes content, offering a unique glimpse into the people, ideas and processes behind their creation. A fantastic USP is the ongoing series of short documentaries about the world’s leading title designers.
(via Book of Joe)
Einen Kommentar hinterlassenNeues aus der Bewegtbild-KI-Küche von Abandoned Films: Super Mario Bros im Stil der 1950er Jahre. „Welcome to the mushroom kingdom“.
The images are by Midjourney, video by Runway, voices by ElevenLabs, and the script by ChatGPT.
(Direktlink, via The Awesomer)