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Schlagwort: LEGO

Lego-Sammel-Roboter aus Lego

The Brick Wall hat aus Lego einen Roomba-artigen Roboter gebaut, der geduldig durchs Zimmer fährt und herumliegende Legosteine einsammelt. Das sorgt für sichere Barfusszonen und lässt die Eltern weniger sammeln.

Allerdings steuert das Dingen nicht autonom sondern wird über eine Fernbedienung gelenkt. Aber so kann man halt aus sicherer Entfernung sammeln.

There is one part of my life where I welcome ROBOTS – cleaning the floor.
Here is my story. For years my Mom says “Please clean the floor from the Lego pices”
Now, my answer is “Lego will do it for me!”

This is my first Lego creartion in the last two years for use inside the house. In fact I have only filmed three videos inside the house. All other projects were filmed outside.

(Direktlink, via Sploid)

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Ein paar Leute bauen aus 194,900 Lego- und Duplo-Steinen in 1200 Stunden einen 64er Mustang

“Ein paar” meint hier gut ein gutes Dutzend. Die Karre fährt nicht, sieht aber schon irgendwie ganz geil aus. Zumal aus Plastiksteinen gebaut.

Made out of 194,900 LEGO and DUPLO® bricks, the giant model (named #BrickPony) took approximately 1,200 hours to assemble by a team of veteran Master Builders at LEGO Systems, Inc., in Enfield, Conn.

#BrickPony measures more than 15 feet long, nearly 6 feet wide and more than 4 feet tall. It weighs 1,712 pounds, of which 960 pounds are LEGO bricks and 752 pounds is its aluminum chassis.

A few surprises were added under its hood, including a virtual horn and the sounds of a real Mustang engine — a first for a life-size LEGO vehicle — plus working headlights and taillights.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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