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Schlagwort: Instruments

Jean-Jacques Perrey in einer TV-Show im Jahr 1966 mit den Möglichkeiten, die der Synthesizer-Vorläufer Ondioline so bot

Schönes Zeitdokument, das zeigt wie Jean-Jacques Perrey, ein Pionier der elektronischen Musik, im Jahr 1966 in der TV-Sendung „I’ve Got a Secret“ die Möglichkeiten darbietet, die so eine Ondioline mit sich brachte, die heute als amtlicher Vorläufer der Synthesizer gilt. Die Leute fanden das so schlecht jetzt nicht, glaube ich.

After several other musicians are introduced along with their instruments (violin, French horn, bagpipe, clarinet) we learn that Perrey’s secret is „I play one instrument that can sound like all of these.“

After the game, that instrument is revealed to be the Ondioline, an early synthesizer-like keyboard instrument. He demonstrates that it can indeed mimic the sounds of the others and make unique sounds of its own.

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Gitarrensaiten im Klavier und Klaviersaiten an einer Gitarre

Ich weiß nicht, ob der Schwede Mattias Krantz der erste ist, der die Idee hatte, die Saiten von Gitarre und Klavier zu tauschen, denn irgendwie ist die Idee zu diesem Experiment ja naheliegend – wenn erstmal jemand darauf gekommen ist. Am Ende klingen die Saiten des Pianos auf der Gitarre schon nach Gitarre, auch wenn das eines längeren Prozesses bedurfte. Und die Saiten der Gitarre im Piano klingen sehr nach Gitarre.

So I first spent 25 minutes trying to tune my guitar here because I still had hope but then I realized that it just didn’t work. So I had to spend a total of four days until the strings just stayed in tune.

Piano strings are so strong that together they can literally 18 tons of tension compare this to the
guitar strings, which can only handle 90 kilos. So what does it mean? Probably that most of the guitar strings will break when I put them on…The guitar strings are too short. I will have to tie the strings together.

(via Laughing Squid)

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E-Gitarre mit integriertem Kassettenrekorder

Ach, die 80er… Was haben sie nicht rückblickend für Stilblüten hinterlassen. So wie die Casio EG-5, eine E-Gitarre mit integriertem Kassettenrekorder, mit dem sich das auf der Gitarre gespielt gleich auch aufnehmen ließ, was gemessen an den damaligen Möglichkeiten ja auch irgendwie konsequent ist.

The onboard cassette player functions include Play, Rewind, Fast Forward, Stop/Eject, Pause, and most importantly Record. This gives the user the ability to play along with program material, or record their own licks directly to tape. A Tape Pitch dial offers the ability to change the speed of the machine on the fly. The built-in amp has a nice ripping, fuzzy push-button distortion and quite a bit of volume, offering a clean signal as well with the distortion disengaged. It’s just plain fun!

The one-piece maple neck has a slender C shaped profile with modest shoulder and lightly rolled fretboard edges, measuring .805″ deep at the 1st fret and .865″ at the 12th. The maple fingerboard features black dot inlay and stock medium jumbo fretwire. The frets are virtually flawless, and the guitar plays cleanly up the fingerboard with a 12″ radius. The scale length is 24″, and the nut measures 1 5/8″ in width. The headstock features the original Casio logo and set of chrome tuners that turn smoothly and work as they should.

On the body, all of the electronics function accordingly, with a Main Volume slider, Guitar Mix slider, Drive slider, Distortion On/Off button, and Master Volume knob next to the speaker. The cassette works with aforementioned controls, while the Tape Pitch dial, Power On/Of switch, DC 9v jack, Guitar Out, Phones out, and Line In jack are recessed on the treble side lower bout. The guitar is powered by a sextet of batteries located in the back or via an optional 9v power supply (not included).

(via BoingBoing)

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Eine sich selbst spielende elektrische Kreisgitarre

Der Londoner Produktdesigner Anthony Dickens hat ein Gitarrenkonzept namens „Circle Guitar“ vorgestellt. Eine quasi sich selbst spielende E-Gitarre, die eine eingebaute mechanische Step-Sequenzer-Disc verwendet, die sich unter den Saiten dreht. Das Projekt hat bereits die Aufmerksamkeit einiger Musiker auf sich gezogen – darunter die des Radiohead-Gitarristen Ed O’brien.

anthony dickens has built the circle guitar with the help of a team of brilliant engineers to generate sounds, textures, and rhythms that would be impossible with a conventional electric guitar. what differentiates the new design from other electrics, is the motor-driven spinning disc in its body that rotates at up to 250 bpm under the strings. this innovative feature makes it possible to exceed what the musician’s hand can achieve alone.

the built-in spinning disc has 128 holes where picks are placed in, and these strike the strings instead of a player’s pick hand. the guitarist can program the circle using five color-coded plectrums to set the picks’ force when striking the strings. these variations alone create unlimited options for a new kind of acoustically created dynamic and rhythmic sound.

(Direktlink, via Designboom)


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