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Schlagwort: GIF

Hybridtiere giffen: Hybridizer

Kleines Tool von Kajetan Obarski und Igor Hardy, das im Stil des im 17. Jahrhundert tätigen Kupferstechers Matthäus Merian zwei Tiere zu einem zusammensetzt: Hybridizer. Mein “inner Beast” ist das hier.

Interactive app that lets you create and release your inner beast. Moosquirrel, zebra beetle, crocoyote or geckolephant? Whatever your hybrid nature is, revel in it!

Created by Kajetan Obarski (animation) and Igor Hardy (code)
in cooperation with digital collections expert Łukasz Kozak.

The 17th century figures of animals come from Matthäus Merian’s workshop and were published in the zoological works of Polish naturalist Jan Jonston. Now they have been digitised, restored, split in halves and re-animated for Hybridizer.

(via Neatorama)

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