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Schlagwort: fun

People struggle to open milk cartons in 1976

Neue Errungenschaften stellen Menschen vor Herausforderungen. Schon immer. Gut, dass das Fernsehen manchmal hilft. In dem Fall das australische im Jahr 1976.

ABC reporter Bill Bennett finds he’s not alone in his struggle to open milk cartons, as he invites members of the public to show him their preferred technique.


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Hund will Truthahn

Wenn schon, dann für alle.

„I finished cooking a turkey late at night that I was going to eat the next day and as I was looking at it my dog, a vizsla, assumed he was getting some and brought his bowl while his brother, a treeing walker coonhound, yelled for turkey.“


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Stadt fordert, keine Wackelaugen mehr auf Statuen zu kleben

In Bend, Oregon, sind irgendwelche Spaßvögel unterwegs und kleben auf öffentliche Stauen riesige Wackelaugen, die ja bekanntlich alles irgendwie besser machen. Die Stadt selber findet das nicht und fordert die vermeintlichen Wackelaugen-Kleber per Tnstagram dazu auf, das doch bitte tunlichst zu unterlassen.

We love our roundabout art in Bend, so let’s do our part to take care of it.​

While the googly eyes placed on the various art pieces around town might give you a chuckle, it costs money to remove them with care to not damage the art.​

While we don’t condone the wreaths, leis and Santa hats, let’s stay away from adhesives, graffiti and all things that can damage the art.

Ob das wohl hilft?

(via Neatorama)

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