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Schlagwort: Eyecandy

Augenzucker: Flora

Herrlich floral und schön bunte Animation von Ian Frederick, die uns zeigt, wie es aussehen könnte, wenn Blumen eine Wüste einnehmen.

Flora is a short film that tells the story of nature’s resilience and regeneration. The film is a celebration of the beauty and power of the natural world, and aims to inspire hope and positivity through an abstract yet captivating message. Through its stunning visuals and evocative soundtrack, Flora reminds us of the incredible power of nature to overcome adversity and thrive in even the harshest environments.

(Direktlink, via Nag on Lake)

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Augenzucker: metallische Farben in Wasser in makro und SloMo

Aufnahmen von denen es mittlerweile einige gibt und ich trotzdem nicht nicht werde, mir sie anzusehen. Ramon De Giuli hat glitzernde Farben in Wasser getropft und den physikalischen Tanz dann in makro und SlowMo aufgenommen. Schönes kann so einfach entstehen.

„TURBULENCE is an 8K HDR Experience video which was entirely shot in a fishtank with metallic paint and inks. All effects were created in camera. I used a custom micro dropping mechanism es well as 4 axis motion control to capture these images on the macro scale. I was experimenting with very thin needles to release tiny drops into the water. On this level of 5x life-size magnification, one can see the single pigment grains travelling through the water and reflecting the light. I observed many forms of turbulences and the illusion of anti-gravity in the fishtank when the feather light pigments changed direction and started to flow from bottom to top. It was a joy to see this and I hope you like it as much as I do.“

(Direktlink, via Maik)

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Wunderschön surrealer Hirnverbieger von Panoply, in dessen Animation alles von links nach rechts, von oben nach unten und eh alles drüber geht.

The psychological condition Derealisation is best described as a subjective episode relating specifically to a person’s perception of the world around them.

It often causes those suffering from the condition to regard their surroundings as unreal, distant and distorted or in some way falsified.

It is theorised that Derealisation may affect everyone at least once in their lifetime, with a low percentage of the population possibly experiencing symptoms on a more serious and sustained level.

(Direktlink, via Maik)

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Augenzucker: A Sense of Scale

Weil ich den Tab hier schon seit Tagen offen habe und es schade wäre ihn einfach nur so zu schließen: Roman De Giuli hat mit A Sense of Scale ein kleines visuelles Meisterwerk geschaffen.

A SENSE OF SCALE is a reminiscense to the famous „Sense of Scale“ documentary by Berton Pierce form 2011. As the documentary, my experimental short film is all about details and the beauty of practical effects. I want to emphasize the meaning of handmade visuals and the effort it takes to stage sceneries on a small scale. I captured very tiny areas of paint flowing on a piece of paper while zooming in the closest possible with a custom lens setup. All shots are taken with my RED DSMC2 in 8K and several macro lenses. It took me around 1 year to finish this piece. Color graded and optimized for HDR devices.

(Direktlink, via Colossal)

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Kristallisation von Eissternen in Makro

Der französische Videokünstler Thomas Blanchard hat für Sébastien Guérivs Track „Bellatrix“ dieses Video kreiert, in dem er eine Chemikalie in heißes Wasser tropft und dann in Makro und 8K filmt, was dabei passiert. Die Chemikalie sorgt dafür, dass das Wasser zu Eissternen kristallisiert. Schön.

It is a chemical saturation in hot water which is then cooled. The chemical saturation becomes very unstable when the liquid cools. The slightest disturbance in the liquid activates crystallization.

(Direktlink, via Colossal)

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