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Schlagwort: Dance

Breakdance wird olympisch

Das Internationale Olympische Komitee hat bekannt gegeben, dass Breakdance ab den Olympischen Spielen 2024 in Paris olympische Disziplin sein wird.

It made its Olympic debut at the 2018 Summer Youth Games in Buenos Aires. The IOC has confirmed it will be staged at a prestigious downtown venue, joining sport climbing and 3-on-3 basketball at Place de la Concorde.

The news was greeted with delight by the British breakdancer Karam Singh. „It’s going to be great for breaking as it gives us more recognition as a sport,“ he said. „And for the Olympics, it will attract young people who may not follow some of the traditional sports.“

While many involved in breaking were happy, some expressed concerns that the sport – which is influenced by a variety of sources such as gymnastics, tap dance, capoeira and kung fu – may lose its authenticity by becoming part of the Olympic movement.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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Eine an Alzheimer Erkrankte bewegt sich nach ihrer alten Choreografie zu Schwanensee

Marta C. González war in den 1960er Jahren Ballerina in New York. Später erkrankte sie an Alzheimer. Im letzten Jahr hat man ihr über Kopfhörer Tchaikovskys „Schwanensee“ vorgespielt. In sich versunken bewegte sie sich dann dazu, wie es die einst von ihr einstudierte Choreografie vorgab. Die Kraft der Musik.

(via Nag on the Lake)

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Get down

Freitag, Leuddies. Ein guter Anlass, um mal wieder ein Hemd aus dem Schrank zu holen und stilvoll ins Wochenende zu tanzen. Gerne auch draußen.


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Quarantäne Disco in Balkonien

Neulich in Newcastle, UK:

On March 28, photographer Billy Bone, from Newcastle, UK, filmed from his house as flats on the opposite side of the river Tyne flashed their lights together at the sound of music as people were locked in their houses amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event was dubbed #isolationdisco and brought some solace to people spending time in isolation.

Billy said: “I am not sure how many people participated, but we have 40 apartments on our side, so there should be roughly the same amount on the other“.


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Mufasa x Hypeman verbreiten gute Laune

Ihr kennt Mufasa. Und weil gute Laune gerade auch in Zeiten wie diesen nicht unwichtig ist, verbreitet Mufasa gute Laune. So zumindest seine Absicht – und ich finde, das funktioniert doch ganz gut.

„Just want to spread good vibes around the world during this tough time. Stay safe and stay blessed.“


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Paketlieferant freut sich über Snacks und legt Tänzchen hin

Nette Geste, dieser Hausbesitzer, die für Lieferanten einfach mal ein paar Getränke und ein paar Snacks vor die Tür stellen. Und offenbar freuen sich einige darüber. Er hier ganz besonders.

„I had just returned home from being in a car accident. I was sitting in my living room and heard the excitement of the Amazon delivery driver outside. My Ring camera captured his surprise at finding goodies to enjoy while he was on his delivery route. I immediately felt better. His great energy made my day.“


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