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Schlagwort: Cuteness

Nur ein Wombat-Baby

Hi Wilbur.

Say hello to Wilbur the wombat joey! The tiny joey was handed to the Park after a passer-by had discovered that a wombat had unfortunately been hit by a car. Seeing fluttering movements from the pouch, the rescuer found the baby wombat inside and quickly brought the joey to the Park to be cared for.
Now he’s with Keeper Seleena receiving round the clock care and has been affectionately named Wilbur!

(Direktlink, via About The Kid Should See This)

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Isabellbärin nach dem Aufstehen

Die 24 Jahre alte Isabellbärin Chada hat einen Großteil ihres Lebens damit verbracht hat, mit einem Zirkus auf Tour zu gehen, bevor sie gerettet wurde. Nun lebt sie im White Rock Bear Sanctuary in Berezivka, Ukraine, und tut dort das, was Bären gemeinhin so machen. Schlafen zum Beispiel. Hier ein Clip, der sie nach einem Nickerchen zeigt. So in etwa sehe ich aus, wenn ich Montags das Haus verlasse.

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Biber baut Weihnachtsdamm

Ein Biber muss tun, was ein Biber tun muss. Wie entzückend.

This beaver is being raised by wildlife rehabbers after being orphaned as a newborn. Her parents were killed and their dam and lodge destroyed. Beavers are classified as nuisance animals in many US states and can be killed anytime. Beavers need to spend 2 years with their human rehabbers. They need to have lots of opportunities to practice instinctive behaviors. This beaver enjoys playing this game inside the house but lives with the other orphaned beavers outside most of the time. We hope you fall in love!

(Direktlink, via MeFi)

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