Die australische Regierung will Kindern und Jugendlichen den Zugang zu Sozialen Medien künftig erst ab einem Mindestalter von 14 bis 16 Jahren erlauben. Noch dieses Jahr solle ein entsprechendes Gesetz im Parlament in Australien eingebracht werden. Ob und wie sich das tatsächlich umsetzen ließe, ist bisher offen. In Deutschland liegen die Altersbeschränkungen für die meisten sozialen Netzwerke bei mindestens 13 Jahren. Interessieren tut das allerdings niemanden.
6 KommentareAustralia is planning to ban children from using social media due to the „mental health consequences“.
The legislation will impose and enforce a minimum age to use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram by the end of the year.
Although the exact age has yet to be revealed by the government, it is likely to be between 14 and 16 with the Australian prime minister favouring the upper level in that age range.
Describing social media usage amongst children as a „scourge“, Prime Minister Antony Alabanese said he wanted them to have „real experiences with real people“. Australia is planning to ban children from using social media due to the „mental health consequences“.
The legislation will impose and enforce a minimum age to use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram by the end of the year.
Although the exact age has yet to be revealed by the government, it is likely to be between 14 and 16 with the Australian prime minister favouring the upper level in that age range.
Describing social media usage amongst children as a „scourge“, Prime Minister Antony Alabanese said he wanted them to have „real experiences with real people“.