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Schlagwort: Bugs

Nachtzeit in der Stadt aus der Perspektive von Insekten

Ein nicht ganz gewöhnlicher Blick auf Insekten in der Nacht. Ganz schön was los bei denen.

It’s dangerous after dark for bugs in the big city. Praying mantises are awake and looking for their next meal. Jumping spiders must hide themselves away to ensure some well-earned rest. Meanwhile, cockroaches have to be extra wary if they want to find dinner and avoid becoming someone else’s. Can these brave bugs survive the night?

Inspired by Pixar’s A Bug’s Life and narrated by Awkwafina, A Real Bug’s Life is now streaming on Disney+.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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Musik für Käfer

Camiidae kam beim Zeichnen von Käfern auf die Idee, dass es ja ganz schön wäre, wenn sie zu den Zeichnungen Musik für die jeweiligen Käfer machen würde und hat dann ein Album geschaffen, auf dem verschiedenen Käferarten jeweils ein Song gewidmet wurde. Und mit dem Wissen darum kann man das auch als Mensch nicht schlecht finden.

i’ts been an awesome project to work on, and the first one i did of this kind (my first album). it started with me messing around, after finally having some free time. i was drawing bugs because i love them, and then i thought “hey it would be nice to add some music”. i didn’t have any kind of long term project in mind with this, but when i finished with that early tortoise beetle i was like “this is nice, i could make more”, and that’s what i did.
at first i wasn’t very clear about the sound idea and i just did what the bug inspired me to do, but as i kept composing it started to sound more cohesive, like there was a unique style for this.
i was actually scared about that when i decided to make an album, i thought it would sound like many unrelated things mashed together. but to my surprise it didn’t and other people told me the same thing, so yeah that’s cool.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

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