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Schlagwort: Animation

Visitenkarten als Phenakistiskope für Plattenspieler

Drew Tetz macht allerhand Phenakistiskope, die er dann gerne per Plattenspieler zu vermeintlichen Animationen bewegt. So wie seine Visitenkarten, die ihre ganze Schönheit erst drehend offenbaren.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von drew tetz (@drewtetz) am

Auch Holzplatten macht er mit einem Lasercuter schon mal zu analogen Animationen. Hier erklärt er, wie das gemacht wird.


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Analoge Ladebalken

Schicke Stop-Motion-Spielerei von Raphael Vangelis, der die allseits nervigen Ladestatusdarstellungen in die reale Welt geholt hat. Zumindest ein bisschen.

This short film is my animated autobiography. I spend most of my life swearing at the computer because it’s crashed or isn’t working. Here, well known digital symbols are turned into something analogue and playful. The result is an homage to all the lost time we collectively spend in digital limbo in the hopes of sudden development on our screen.


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7 Billion Bunnies

Neue Animation des WTF-Spezialisten Cyriak Harris. „When I first had the idea for this video there were 7 billion people in the world, and I wanted to see what 7 billion of something actually looks like. I’m not entirely sure if I managed to create that many rabbits as I gave up counting them, and meanwhile 400 million new people appeared, so perhaps my work will never be done.“

(Direktlink, via LikeCool)

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Augenzucker: Animierter Tanz

Method Design was tapped by production company RSA to concept and create this year’s AICP Sponsor Reel. The AICP awards celebrate global creativity within commercial production. Method Design wanted to create an entertaining piece of design that encapsulates the innovative and prolific nature of this industry. Our aim was to showcase the AICP sponsors as various dancing avatars, which playfully reference the visual effects used throughout production. Motion capture, procedural animation and dynamic simulations combine to create a milieu of iconic pop dance moves that become an explosion of colorful fur, feathers, particles and more.

(Direktlink, via Colossal)

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