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Schlagwort: Animation

Papier Stop-Motion: How to Make a Record

Hübsch mit der Hand gebasteltes Papier Stop-Motion Filmchen von Kelli Anderson, das den Werdegang einer Schallplatte im Jahr 1930 bei Paramount Records zeigt. Auch hat sie schöne GIFs dazu gemacht.

A handmade video that recreates the inner workings of the defunct Paramount Records factory (where records by artists like Blind Lemon Jefferson, Louis Armstrong and Charley Patton were pressed in the 1920s and ’30s.) The video is made entirely from paper atop a plywood set.


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Beatboxende, animierte Album-Cover

Animierte Album-Cover waren vor ein-zwei Jahren mal der „heiße Shice“ und Tumblr war voll damit. Vania Heymann hat aus denen jetzt ein Video für Roy Kafri gemacht.

Israeli artist and director Vania Heymann started creating videos when he was a student at Bezalal Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. He has been praised by the likes of evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and atheist author Sam Harris. His latest video (made with his frequent collaborator Israeli musician Roy Kafri who provides the beatboxing with his song “Mayokero”) has a series of classic albums covers from bands like The Smiths, ABBA, David Bowie and Prince move their “mouths” and sing along.

(Direktlink, via Dangerous Minds)

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Wenn eine Strichfigur seine Software verlässt: Animator vs. Animation

Erstmal den Rechner hi-jacken und das totale Chaos veranstalten. Das ist absolut großartig!

The struggle between a stick figure and its creator, a computer animator. In this fourth installment, the animator is finally shown in real life interacting with his computer monitor. The stick figure, resisting his tormentor, attacks his social life by hacking his Facebook account, traveling onto his iPhone via USB cord, and drawing animations of his own to dismantle the animation interface.

(Direktlink, via reddit)

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Putin in After Effects tanzen lassen

Bennie Melwin hat einen Film aus Putin Fotos geschnippelt. Dafür nimmt er sich Fotos von dem Herren und bewegt die After Effects. Ich habe keinen Schimmer von der Software, finde das Ergebnis allerdings schon irgendwie faszinierend. Hier das ein-bisschen-Erklärbär-Video.

(Direktlink, via reddit)

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Ed, ein animierter Kopf

Kurzer Uhrenvergleich: wie steht es eigentlich aktuell so um die CGI-Qualitäten? Chris Jones meint, Ed wäre da ein gutes Beispiel für. „Work in progress made with Lightwave, Sculptris and Krita, composited with Davinci Resolve Lite.“

(Direktlink, via TDW)

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Abstrakt animiert und Klang: Cosmic Flower Unfolding

Was Ben Ridgway hier audio-visuell verbindet, sieht großartig aus. Wie es dazu kam, erklärt er so:

My abstract animations investigate the metaphysical features of reality. They are designed to stimulate archetypal associations and invite the viewer to make personal connections to the visual and auditory experience without any reliance on narrative or spoken language. […] My work is abstract by nature and uses non narrative film making techniques. The undercurrents of my work point to themes centered around time, cycles, the concept of infinity, and the similarities between artificial and natural systems. In a world where technology and artificial systems are becoming more prevalent, my films are a reminder that they are both a product of nature.

Auch die anderen seiner Arbeiten sind durchaus sehenswert.

(Direktlink, via Colossal)

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